Shower Burst® Aromatic Tablet in Nurture

  • $2.50
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NEW Shower Burst® Aromatic Tablet – a fresh twist on our beloved Shower Burst®. Crafted with high-quality fragrance oils, this aromatic tablet delivers a long-lasting, immersive scent experience. Fill your shower with thoughtfully balanced fragrance blends designed to elevate your mood. 

To use, simply remove the Shower Burst® Aromatic Tablet from the box and place it in your shower . Once you’ve finished your shower, allow the tablet to dry and rehydrate it during your next use for an extended aromatic experience.

Scent profile: Cedarwood & Lemon

Designed for those who love indulgent, long-lasting fragrance, the Shower Burst® Aromatic Tablet is the perfect way to elevate your shower routine with a refreshing new shower steamer experience. The new tab box design makes these the perfect gift for loved ones!

Breathe in, unwind, and and enjoy the next evolution of Shower Burst®.

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