Essential Oil Roll-On in Clarity

  • $8.75
    Unit price  per 

Compact and convenient, the Essential Oil Roll-On packs the power of an aromatherapy blend into a portable bottle for accessibility anywhere. To use, apply to hands, neck, and wrists. Dry hands prior to use.

Scent profile: Fresh & Woody, Subtlety Sweet, Sharp & Clean
Blend elements: Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Spearmint
Experience: Sharpens the senses and clears the mind

Imagine being able to instantly calm your mind and soothe your body with just a few swipes of our Essential Oil Roll-On.

The Essential Oil Roll-On is made in the USA with natural ingredients and 100% pure essential oils. Each package contains one (1) roll-on vial. Keep in your purse or pocket to boost your mood instantly on-the-go.


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