Bathtub Tea™ Best-Sellers Set

  • $252.00
    Unit price  per 

The Bathtub Tea™ Best-Sellers Set includes some of our most popular Bathtub Tea blends to provide all the benefits of an herbal bath without the mess. Twelve (12) of each blend: Refresh, Clarity, Relax, Cold/Flu Buster, Stress Buster, and Headache Buster are included.

Bathtub Tea is made with natural herbs, flowers, and our essential oil blend, the elegant package fits perfectly inside a greeting card for a unique and thoughtful gift. Use it in the bath, as a facial steam, or as a foot soak.

Each Bathtub Tea is made in the USA with natural ingredients and 100% pure essential oils. Place in hot water to release essential oils for a steam-infused aromatherapy soak.

Includes twelve (12) Bathtub Tea packs in each of the following blends:

  • Refresh: Grapefruit & Lavender
  • Clarity: Eucalyptus & Peppermint
  • Relax: Lavender & Bergamot
  • Cold/Flu Buster: Eucalyptus & Lemon
  • Stress Buster: Lemongrass & Ylang Ylang
  • Headache Buster: Peppermint & Lemon



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